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Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

As a British Acupuncture Council Member, I studied for 3 1/2 years in the UK and 6 months in Tokyo); I also use styles and techniques individual to my interests and training (see About Me to see my training.) I have also studied Chinese herbal medicine for 2 1/2 years and am still in the process of a course. 

Acupuncture is an evolving tradition, adopting modern techniques like electro-acupuncture and scientific trials in health conditions and efficacy are constantly underway all over the world. My core training is in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has Daoist principles enveloping all theory. The way we explain illness with this system corresponds with cycles of nature and elements. It's an art of understanding the body just like the way humans all over the world have wisdom in how to work with the earth & seasons knowing how to cultivate earth, harvest crops & prepare them into nourishing food.  In my practice, each acupuncture and herbal treatment is a bespoke recipe for better health.

Whenever I see someone with a condition I haven't yet come across, I look into the Western medical pathology and treatment but find my Chinese medical diagnosis going back to the basics of the theories developed in ancient times. 

My aim is to gradually restore your health from many angles, using my tools of acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine. The journey can sometimes be a little bumpy, but it can also be a lovely one.

Why Western Medecine needs Chinese Medicine
How  acupuncture works

People ask how acupuncture work, basically, it tunes you up. ​Your body is an instrument, like a violin, piano, or guitar, it needs re-tuning. Acupuncture tunes you by gently relaxing and harmonising the body and emotions. It's used both in times of health to keep you well, and also to help when your strings snap! 


The last 100 people I treated had 24 different main complaints. People usually come in with a list of health complaints. We have many different strings to harmonise.  We are exposure to stresses, viruses, bacteria, medications, and physical and emotional traumas.  Combined with genetic tendencies all sorts of biochemical and psychological reactions can happen in a person.


Every acupuncture treatment is different because every person is unique. I choose points and techniques to suit you on the day. 

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